Monday 25 April 2011

Contents page example analysis 7

This is an analysation of Uncut magazine. 'Contents' is shown at the top of the page, indicating to the reader what the page will contain. The text font is averagely-sized and not too large to draw the readers eye away from the main features on the page, but also big enough for the reader to comprehend and recognize that it is there.
  The main content of the contents page is split into five different sections, eg; the 'regulars', 'features', 'reviews', 'the editor'  (a note from the editor about the issue) and a section titled 'in this issue', making is easy for the reader to navigate their way through the magazine comfortably. This makes the contents page more organized, as the page is extremely textual and can be hard to read clearly.

  The section titled 'regulars' lists features that are in the magazine every time it is published, therefore the section is smaller than the one titles 'features', which includes things that are only featured in the magazine that particular issue. The page numbers on all sections are not bolded, whereas the title of the feature is, indicating that if the title/subheading catches the eye, the reader can look further and register what page number the feature will be shown. 

  The 'features' section is slightly different. Firstly, the amount of space taken up is larger as these features are only shown once and are therefore more important in the issue, therefore the reader will be more interested in this section. There is also more text featured underneath each heading telling the reader more information about the one-off articles that are throughout the magazine. The 'cover story' is also indicated in this section so the readers can see clearly where the feature that made most of them buy the issue is, without having to search the page.
The 'review' section, although smaller than the rest, stands out due to the red background, as opposed to the white on the previous two. The text has the same elements as the 'features' and 'regular' sections in the sense that the page number is not as bold as the title, however the text underneath is both short and also more in-depth.
The editors note runs down the right hand side of the splash. The text size is small as it is the least important feature. It is done in such a way as to be noticed, but not draw attention away from the main feature.
An picture of a band that are in 'UNCUT' are shown in the top left corner of the page. The image also features the page number at the bottom which links with a feature under the 'features' section helping the reader navigate straight to the page.
  The final section towards the bottom of the page is 'In This Issue' which features three men who are linked to music in different ways. As these men are all ordinary, it connotes reality and relate-ability, linking with the theme of 'Uncut', and showing how anyone can do something they want and be successful.This creates a sense of self-belief and confidence, appealing to all readers.

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