Monday 25 April 2011

Contents page example analysis 2

  I like this contents page as it is quirky, simple and original. The image of Katy Perry is humorous and identifies her personality, therefore it will draw attention of her fans. Katy Perry is widely appreciated by fans all over the world, a very popular figure in the music industry, so including Katy Perry in a magazine is foolproof.
  The image could also interpret the magazine to be for people who listen to more mainstream music, rather than alternative music or metal/rock.
  The colour-scheme works with the theme, not against it, including the image, the colours and the fonts. The layout is clear. The only drawback may be that there is a lot of unnecessary whitespace, which could imply a waste of paper- which is unappealing to the more hippy-types. Also, the designer may have tried a bit too hard to keep the design "tidy", so the font for the pages is quite miniscule, making it difficult to comprehend.
  The quote at the bottom left-hand side of the contents page is a thumbs-up, as everyone wants to read about something with a good review, a critical review, or a word from their favourite musical artist.

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