Monday 25 April 2011

Contents page example analysis 5

  Another contents page example from Kerrang! magazine. The layout is very conventional in terms of music magazine content page’s. For example; the title of the page is displayed at the very top, making it the first thing recognised about the page. Though all text and images upon the page are displayed against a plain white background, the title is written against a black background. This is possibly because the title is written in yellow, and is therefore clearer and easier to read against black, but also because the colour theme of the Kerrang magazine is black, yellow and white, and therefore having the colours set out in this way continues the themes from the cover throughout the magazine. All items of content and their page numbers are then displayed in a list down the right-hand side of the page. Here, the list is split into several different sections, each with a headline. These headlines are set out in a similar way to the main title of the page, with a black background and yellow writing, however they are much smaller than the page title. Unlike NME and Q magazine, the items of content listed do not have descriptions; only their titles are displayed. Their corresponding page numbers are in bold font to ensure that they stand out further.
  Within the top, left-hand corner of the page is an image of the magazine editor. There is then a paraphrase in which she summarises this issue of Kerrang! and what it includes.  Also, the rest of the page is taken up by a collage of images, each relating to an aspect of content within the magazine. They each have their own corresponding page numbers written either below or across the image, but here they have a short description, implying that these are more important. There are also graphics used, such as the ‘explosion’ at the bottom of the page that contains lexis. This makes it stand out more than it would if it were simply written upon the page.

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